Let's Digress

2024 RNC Review

The Republican National Convention happened earlier this week. I watched pretty much all of it. I don’t generally watch things like this, but I watched this one. 

I found it quite interesting. 

I definitely didn’t watch the DNC or RNC in 2016. What I remember from the RNC of 2020 is, well, nothing, other than it was still in the thick of covid. What I remember of the DNC in 2020 was more covid shenanigans and the democrat speakers being rather angry at the Orange Man and there being a noticeable lack of American paraphernalia. 

Honestly, I didn’t plan on watching the 2024 RNC either, but Daily Wire’s behind the scenes interviews sucked me in. 

It was really cool. The whole thing was a giant pro-America shindig. 

The speaker lineup was quite impressive too. They had everyone from Tim Scott to Nikki Haley to OnlyFans model Amber Rose to Franklin Graham to Hulk Hogan to registered democrat Shabbos Kestenbaum to Dana White to Ted Cruz to Ron DeSantis to several Gold Star families. Oh, and Kid Rock, because apparently he’s still a thing.

From all that I’ve read, the 2024 RNC was quite a shift from the RNCs of yesteryear, where it was essentially a Festivus of conservatives airing their assorted grievances against the system, state of the culture, and countless quibbles against democrats and even other republicans.

This time around it was all about pro-American unity. Basically, we all live here together and desperately need each other and can do great things together because this is America, so we need to work together to make this country great, because if America is doing well, then we’re doing well, and if we’re doing well, then America is doing well.

I also found it interesting that, especially in light of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the rhetoric throughout the entire thing was remarkably mellow. I don’t recall hearing anyone throw out any Hitler comparisons, any “America is done forever if ____ is elected,” or anything close to implying that violence and civil war might be necessary if a democrat wins in November. Certainly none of the usual incendiary rhetoric I’m used to seeing from the talking heads on TV, podcasts, news articles, or books, particularly from those on the political left. 

In fact, nearly everything I can recall was only advocating voting for Trump in November because the democrat policies have sucked so terribly and it’s the only other reasonable option available. All of the speakers kept circling back again and again to how the democrat policies have been awful in all sorts of ways. No real personal attacks or anything malicious though, just overall how terrible the democrat policies have been and what the legitimate downstream effects they’ve had on all of us.

The more I reflect on it, the more I think that’s the only reason why it even makes sense that an OnlyFans model would be giving the same type of speech and sharing the same stage as Ron DeSantis, Shabbos Kestenbaum, and Franklin Graham.

The real gem of the whole thing though wasn’t Trump’s speech on the final night recounting what he experienced during the assassination attempt; it wasn’t Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off on stage; it wasn’t Kid Rock doing whatever it was he was doing on stage, some sort of music I think (if “music” is defined loosely); it wasn’t JD Vance’s excellent life story that only could’ve happened in America; it wasn’t the Gold Star families speaking about their loved ones. 

The real gem was the live band playing dad rock all night every night. 

That was the hit band Sixwire

I think everyone should watch the videos from this RNC, if for no other reason than to experience this fantastic band.

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